The All About Dance Company

The All About Dance Company first opened its doors in 2002 and prides itself in providing local students with top class dance studio facilities. Our unique studio offers parents the opportunity to watch children learn to dance through the viewing windows from the waiting area onto the dance floors. At All About Dance we want parents to be a part of the fun and enjoyment of watching children learn to dance.
Our passionate teaching team are dedicated to providing students a fun learning environment where they can learn the art of dance.
We offer classes for children as young as 18 months old through to adults of all ages. Students attending All About Dance have the option of participating in dance examinations, public performances or dance just for the fun and love of it.
What ever your reason is for joining the world of dance, the team at All About Dance will work with you to help you achieve your goals.
AADC values leadership amongst the Crew. We believe that a leader helps guide and develop the individual student whilst supporting a team environment. Appropriate role modelling of behaviours, attitudes and values are at the core of leadership values.
AADC appreciates all families, students and staff hold varying attitudes and values. The team at AADC acknowledge that their own attitudes and values will be present in their classes but are respectful of all students, promoting an inclusive environment where every student has a voice and a right to learn.
Our core values are reflective of the company’s culture being inclusive, having a positive attitude towards attendance and participation in class, together with being respectful of each individual and the environment.
AADC places a high value on our Crew’s commitment to ongoing self development, and self-recognition of their actions. Each individual should be aware of how their actions impact on themselves and those around them.
The All About Dance Company prides itself on its family friendly culture, our core values are on display in our foyer to remind us of the environment we strive to create every day. These values are the aim of our staff, parents and dancers and any visitor to the All About Dance Company. Any person found to be in direct conflict to these core values either at the studio, online via social media or at any event where you represent the All About Dance Company will be issued with a formal warning and may be asked to leave the school.
Social media has become a very popular place for everyone to share and chat. Whilst we encourage our dancers to enjoy each others company outside of the studio via social media, please keep the Student Engagement & Inclusion policy in mind. Whilst the All About Dance Company is not responsible for students behaviour during their personal and family time, if it is identified that inappropriate behaviour that is in conflict with our Student Engagement & Inclusion policy is being displayed between AADC students online, all parents and students of the involved will be encouraged to attend a private group meeting at the studio in order to resolve the matter.
If you believe that you or your dancer has experienced a breach of our Student Engagement and Inclusion policy please contact staff. We take this very seriously and will ensure that the situation is dealt with immediately.
Our studio is a home for all dancers keen to grow and enjoy the love of dance. Every student deserves a safe and positive learning experience where they are engaged and supported to reach their full potential.
We appreciate your support in making our dance home a place that everyone loves to visit.
At All About Dance we understand that every child has the right to want to dance one week and then ride a pony the next. This in mind we offer two enrolment options, if your dancer is confident they know what classes they would like to attend then you can complete a full enrolment at which point the registration fee would be payable.
The second option is to enrol as a trial student for your first 2 weeks, this trial enrolment offers you the opportunity to pay as you go for the individual classes you attend in your first 2 weeks of attendance. It is not only important that our students are happy with the way we do things at All About Dance, it is also important that you the parent enjoy the environment we have worked hard to create. Once everyone is happy and settled into class we provide you with a full enrolment form at which point the registration fee would be payable and an invoice for the remaining weeks of the term would be issued.
All fees are inclusive of GST and charged by the full term. Payment is due no later than commencement of week 3. Term fees are calculated to account for public holidays as classes do not run on these days.
Full payment must be received by week 3, fees paid past this point will attract a $15 late fee per week. Fees not paid in full by week 5 will unfortunately prevent students from participating in further classes until such time as the amount due is paid in full.
It is important to note that classes not attended are not refunded. Should a class be cancelled for unforeseen circumstances then a full refund for that class will be deducted from the next terms fees. In the event of the studio being closed due to Government Regulations refunds will be managed at the discretion of The All About Dance Company.
A $45 per dancer administration and registration fee is due on enrolment with AADC.
CASH at the desk.
EFTPOS is available at the desk, please note that fees paid by credit card attract a transaction fee.
EFT via the following details.
Account: The All About Dance Company
BSB: 066 159 Account Number: 10824763
Reference: Student Name
Term 1 Monday 3 February - Saturday 12 April
Term 2 Monday 28 April - Saturday 5 July
Term 3 Monday 21 July - Saturday 27 September
Term 4 Monday 13 October - Saturday 6 December
Please note classes do not run on public holidays.
While the uniform is not compulsory it is preferred to see all students in the school uniform which is available for purchase or order at the desk. Having the students in uniform allows them to be able to move freely & enable teachers to ensure the correct technique is being followed.
Students electing not to wear the school uniform must ensure appropriate dance wear is worn. If the attire worn to class is not suitable students may not be able to participate in the class. Our Dance It Out range of clothing can be worn as uniform in all classes however something tight fitting (i.e. leotard) must be worn to change into for classical classes.
Dresses and skirts are not suitable for any classes, denim may only be worn in Hip Hop classes. Please ensure all items have name tags to prevent them being lost. We encourage Hip Hop students to dress in the style of the genre.
Bintang and other alcohol themed clothing is not appropriate to wear at the studio.
Should you have any questions about suitable clothing please ask one of the teaching team.
To help ensure student safety please ensure any jewellery worn is kept to a minimum, hair must be worn up and tied back in ALL classes to prevent distraction during class. While Hip Hop allows an open dance wear policy please ensure students refrain from wearing excessive clothing.

Pointe and character shoes are required when advised.
The All About Dance Company
Limited sizes are available for you to try on @ The Studio
Click the blue button to enter our Merch Shop to order uniform.
Attitude for Dance
2 / 18 Helmshore Way, Port Kennedy WA 6172
Ph: 0401 359 191
All students are checked in at commencement of their class, this enables us to ensure the safety of all students while on the premises. Students are asked to turn off their mobile phones during class to allow full focus. No gum or sweets are allowed to be chewed during class to prevent choking.
Teachers, Staff and Students are the only members permitted on the studio dance floors to reduce the risk of injury.
Students are encouraged to drink lots of water during class to prevent dehydration. Water and other refreshments are available for purchase at reception. Sorry no fizzy drinks are permitted onto the studio dance floors, if spilt they are very difficult to clean up quickly.
While we encourage parents and grandparents to watch the children during class times we do ask that you remain in the waiting area. We also ask that you keep the noise level down as this is intrusive for the teachers and also interrupts the student’s concentration, which in turn can become dangerous.
The All About Dance Company studio is a non- licensed venue so under no circumstances is alcohol to be brought onto the premises.
The AADC studio becomes a second home for many of our dancers, please make every effort to use the bins provided and take care of building and its contents.
To help us start classes on time and to ensure everyone participates in the correct warm up and stretch we ask that students attend the studio 5 - 10 minutes prior to their class start time. Please note that class times and days may be changed at the teachers discretion. However every consideration will be given to students availability.

These teams will represent the All About Dance Company on stage at various performances around Perth. Performance team dancers will be given the opportunity to further strengthen their dance ability and grow as performers while building a strong team relationship with their fellow dancers. While we at All About Dance recognize the great performance opportunities provided by dance competitions we like to remind our dancers that we perform for the privilege and enjoyment of the opportunity to appear on stage not in order to secure a medal.
Dancers wanting to participate in the performance teams must attend a Technique Extension, Ballet and the genre of the Performance Team they are planning to join. For example to be part of a Lyrical Performance Team your dancer must be participating in a Lyrical class along with Ballet & Technique Extension. This also applies to solos.
This does not apply to the Tap Performance Teams.
We have made some changes to the requirements of our Performance Teams for dancers who are in Years 11 & 12 and above. We are finding that the demands of school/work are becoming ever increasing for our young adult dancers and we recognise there are only so many hours in a day. Its important for them to maintain their dance community and have a space away from the pressures of school. This is mind for these age groups it will no longer be compulsory to be part of a Turns, Kicks & Leaps class or to be part of a Ballet class for a Jazz Performance Team. Ballet will still be required to be part of the Lyrical Performance Team.
As dancers improve and mature there sometimes becomes the need to look at what is the best place for each individual dancer. The decisions we make at AADC are always to ensure each dancer has the opportunity to thrive and develop at their own pace and this includes Team placements.
We encourage all dancers to try out for a position in the All About Dance Company Performance Team. If the team teacher feels that the dancer is not ready to participate in the performance team the dancer and parent will be informed and provided with feedback.
Not all students are ready to be a part of the performance team as they may not yet fit the skill level of the team, some may also not be ready attitude or maturity wise but we certainly do make every effort to cater for everyone where possible – sometimes its just not the right time.
To perform as a team it is extremely important that all performance team dancers attend all rehearsals to ensure they continue to learn the choreography. When dancers miss rehearsals it has a negative impact to the entire groups performance. Team dancers are not to miss more than 2 rehearsals in one term. Allowances may be given for school commitments, family issues and serious illness.
Performance team rehearsals are not a time where teachers focus directly on teaching technique, they are purely a rehearsal to learn choreography. The technique required for the performance teams is taught in our mainstream classes. If performance team members are not able to meet their mainstream class attendance requirements it will impact their ability to continue as part of the performance team. Our mainstream classes are the training ground to provide the dance technique to confidently to perform on stage. (ie the training for the big game on Saturday)
All dancers that participate in the performance team will be required to purchase additional costumes that will only be worn for the team’s performances. These routines do not appear as part of our end of year show. A costume will be required for each individual routine being performed inclusive of tights and shoes.
Our aim is to focus on growing the team environment and culture within our performance teams and part of the team culture is a uniform. All team members will be required to purchase a school jacket that is to be worn to all performances. This also assists staff in quickly identifying our performers when we are out and about.
Each dance festival sets its own entry fee’s that must be paid at the time of submitting the entry forms. Each item your dancer performs in will attract an entry fee regardless of solo or troupe. The entry fee will be invoiced to parents via our studio and must be paid in full prior to the competition to ensure participation in the performance.
Team members wanting to perform solos or duos will require strong experience in the style they are keen to perform. Stepping onto the stage on your own is more challenging than some of our young dancers understand, our aim is to ensure everyone’s time on stage is a positive and enjoyable one for both the performer and the audience. Our AADC teaching team will decide if the team member is ready for this level of performance. Please note dancers must be a member of the Performance Team in order to be able to perform a solo.
Private lessons need to be booked via the Solo Request Form. These lessons are a pay as you go option and must be paid for at the time of attending the lesson. Payment is still required for any lessons cancelled within 24 hours of the lesson time. And will be applied to the parents account.
Our primary means of communication with all members of All About Dance is via e- mail. Often communication can make its way home through discussion in class between teachers and students or between students in the hang out areas. The golden rule at AADC is if you didn’t receive and email about it then its not happening. If you are ever unsure about what is happening or missed an email please don’t hesitate to ask at the desk or pop us through an email.
FACEBOOK – given how fast things move and change our Facebook is another important way of keeping up with what’s going on. Make sure you take the time to go onto All About Dance Company Facebook and like us to ensure you receive any updates.
INSTAGRAM – is a fun way for the kids to get involved in the tech savy world of AADC. It allows the students to share in the fun of what other students at the school have been up to. You can follow us on Instagram by searching allaboutdancecompany all as one word.
At the end of 2013 Scholarships were introduced across the school as a form of recognising the hard work and dedication put in by our students. The scholarships are not based on dance ability or strength of technique they are behavioural based.
The All About Dance Company Core Values form the criteria for a scholarship nomination. Leadership, Attitude, Culture & Commitment & Accountability and how our students reflect these while on the AADC premises and when they are out representing AADC will determine their ability to be put forward as a nominee.
Throughout the year the teachers meet to discuss the progress of students and scholarship nominations, which are then finalised at the end of term 4. All students that are nominated for a scholarship receive recognition.
Any student found to be in breach of the Student Engagement & Inclusion policy is not eligible to be nominated or receive an award.
An award is given for each genre offered at AADC plus the overall “Dance It Out” scholarship. The recipients of the scholarships attend that specific genre complimentary for the following year and the Dance It Out recipient selects the style they wish to allocate the scholarship to.
Each year AADC work towards an end of year production that is held at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre (MPAC). We aim to have the production within the first few weeks of December to help avoid the end of school and festive rush. As the school continues to grow so does the number of people wanting to enjoy the show as an audience member.
We have considered numerous ways to ensure all family members have the opportunity to secure tickets to watch a show. To ensure this we perform for 2 shows on the same day. Please note all students are required in both shows - Excluding Rhythm Works.
The very short answer is EVERYONE. Unless we have prior knowledge at the start of term 3 we make the assumption that if we have ordered your costume you plan to perform.
What happens if my child can’t do a show?
This is a question we get asked every year. We provide you show dates as early as possible to help you avoid double booking dates. We absolutely understand how busy the end of the year gets for families with so many things to attend.
If someone is not on stage in their position during the dance this distracts the other children that are on stage, they look to see the person they have rehearsed next to all year only to discover they are not there. Now confused, this child often stops dancing and starts looking around for their “correct spot” and becomes upset. This is not the experience I am sure any parent wants their own child to have on stage, so it’s a team effort for us all to ensure our dancers enjoy their performance.
Obviously in the event of a health issue or family issue missing the show may become unavoidable.
The 2025 Production will be held on Saturday the 6th December. Please ensure you put this date in your schedules.
The matinee will be at 12pm and the evening show at 6pm. An arrival schedule will be provided to you in term 4 outlining each groups check in time to the theatre.
The weekend prior to the end of year Production is when AADC runs its full Tech and Dress Rehearsal at the studio. Our professional lighting manager and stage manager attends these rehearsals to plot the lighting that will be set during the show. It is also where students get the opportunity to rehearse with the entire school.
These rehearsals are extremely important for all students to attend to ensure they have a full understanding of what they need to do both on and off stage the following week when we are at the theatre. This is not only to assist the students to look good on the stage it is also a safety procedure as we aim to ensure everyone makes it on stage safely.
Production Rehearsal Dates: - ALL STUDENTS REQUIRED
Tech Rehearsal – Saturday 29th November
Full Dress Rehearsal – Sunday 30th November
We aim to order our costumes from several professional dance costume companies in Australia & America. This way we are able to keep the cost of costumes to a minimum plus they arrive finished ready for the students to wear. If adjustments or alterations are required these will be organised. Often small bows or flowers will need to be attached as these are optional accessories, parents will be required to attach these.
In term 2 students will be measured and the appropriate size will be chosen. Should you have concerns about the costume size you would like to order please ensure you come and speak to one of the team at the desk.
As the costumes are custom made once they have been paid for and ordered they are not refundable nor can they be returned. A detailed costume update will be emailed out to you towards the end of term 2 outlining the full process.
Each year we require the help of a dedicated volunteer team of Mums and Dads that are prepared to work back stage to help ensure the safety of all our students and to ensure each student makes it on stage at the right time in the right costume. In term 3 we will be calling for volunteers so should you wish to be back stage amongst the excitement please look out for the call for back stage crew.
A detailed Production Survival Guide will be provided to each family at the end of term 3. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to ensure you are equipped for the end of year Production. It includes dates, times and items you are required to provide.
Shared parking bays are provided within the studio complex, the bays are numbered and while this is not policed we need to make every effort to ensure customers can access the other businesses within the complex. Please do not park on the front lawn / verge unless the carpark is full in which case please park as far away from the gates as possible to ensure a clear line of sight to the road for traffic exiting the carpark.
Under no circumstances can we park in front of any of the units roller doors. All the businesses must be able to access their building without asking us to move a vehicle.
As there are a large number of students are coming and going from the studio please ensure you drive slowly and watch out for CHILDREN.
The All About Dance Company is located at:
Unit 6 / 14 Jacquard Way Port Kennedy
Studio phone number: 08 9524 6244
E-mail: thedesk@allaboutdanceco.com.au
Website: www.allaboutdanceco.com.au